Journey Home and Reclaiming You
Journey Home and Reclaiming You
When we have pain in our bodies and pain that is showing up in our life, this really shows us that we are experiencing separation in one way or another, separation from God, and really ultimately separation from our own Divinity......We have gone though separation processes in different ways and for different reasons in our own life experiences, including past incarnations. One of the ways we do this is by giving parts and pieces of ourselves away, and/or allowing others to take these parts of us and keep them....We need these parts Back! This live Course will start on Oct 17th at 2pm. You can also watch the replay if you can't make it live.
This powerful 5 week program we will do just that! It's our time to take our power back!
Please take a moment to read what your chakra system is in the blog on our website. I will have the up by Sept 15th.
Week 1 :
Also go over any questions and relationship work between everyone in our container. Open Q&A on how it works, We will also go over what your chakra's are and how unbalanced affect your life. Stand Your Ground is an activation tool that activates within you the courage, strength, confidence, self love and joy needed to stand up for yourself, speak up for yourself, and stay in your power. It is also bringing in a relationship healing for you and the people, places or things that are creating or contributing to these patterns of giving away your power or not standing up for themselves. We will also be bringing in the defrag Activation this clears our mental clutter, confusion energies, can reduce brain fog, calms down out of control thoughts. Help's you to get out of your head. Clearing energries that are taking up your time and causing you stress.
Week 2:
-Reclaiming My Root
-Reclaiming My Sexual Organs
-Reclaiming My Heart
Week 3:
-Reclaiming My Mental Body
-Reclaiming My Sacred Vessel
-Reclaiming My Soul
Week 4:
-Reclaiming My Womb
-Reclaiming My Light
-Reclaiming My Transpersonal Chakras
Week 5:
-Reclaiming My Voice
--Reclaiming My Sight
-Reclaiming My Ears
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