Do I have to believe In God?

No Energy healing works though direct connection to the Creator, Source, God whatever you want to call the Great Spirit. This is based on the healers connection to source in this case my connection not yours. 


What will it feel like?

Sometimes you feel nothing at all, many times after a healing you may feel tired during and after. You may feel mild physical sensations as the energy runs though your body. Sometimes you will have emotional releases that happen as the allergy releases. After they are done you will experience more and positive emotional states, and an overall improved feeling in life. 

How long will symptoms last?

It depends.... on how many allergies you have, how deeply rooted they are. How much trauma, negative emotions and belief systems are attached to each allergy. 

Many conditions heal quickly, some may require more healing and some will improve and disappear over time. Alot of times after you get a healing it will take 3 months for you to fully experience everything this work has healed, and will continue to heal in your body as time passes. I normally notice belief work in myself the most when I'm like wow where did that come from. Your body also produces new cells every three months. When you're no longer allergic to a nutrient you are required to create a healthy body you will be able to use these and as a result the new cells will be stronger and healthier. 

Will this help me detox?

If you are going though detox protocols, having an allergy healing done before will greatly increase results. When confusion is cleared between the brain and body about a toxin and the beliefs and negative emotions that are removed (allergy healing does both) your body will begin to naturally elimination toxins like heavy metals, and chemicals. 

Should you listen to the recordings again?

Yes Yes and Yes! Listen to them quarterly when you do this, you probably wont need much from each recording, but will need a few allergens from each group. So Listen to them all. You can listen to a couple of recordings at a time every day until they are completed again. 

Why? First we continue to go thought periods of stress and overwhelm in our lives we are human. which may cause you to be triggered or reactivated. If you have healing abilites your self, or an empath this will be especially true as a highly senstive person. 

Also some allergies are deeper than the surface and like an onion don't get uncovered until weeks or months down the road after your first healing. We are not capable of releasing everything at one time. Every time you listen it will go deeper in the layers of the mind. 

Negative Side Effects?

This varies person to person and from week to week in a program, It does happen. You may experience a flair up, or new symptoms, often this will happen a few days before your session. This is your body's way of telling you it needs what is coming. This tends to be the experience of those who are highly sensitive.  

This can also happen as you process the healing which is anywhere between 12-72 hours, it all depends on how many allergies and what kind are being cleared. Some symptoms may be fatigue, needing extra sleep, headache or symptoms you have had in the past as it's important to know this up front because it can feel scary, confusing, and upsetting if you don't understand that this is the body's natural part of your healing process.