How It Works

Energetic Allergy Healing is a unique, life changing modality that heals and eliminates allergies and inflammation, from our bodies. An Allergy Is traditionally defined as a hypersensitive physical reaction to specific substances, but it is so much more than that. An Allergy is essentially inner resistance showing up as a negative, immune reaction in your body. Resistance is the absence of harmony. When you are in any kind of resistance emotionally, mentally or spiritually, it affects you physically - you literally absorb this resistance into your body. This is what allergies and inflammation are. 

So What Does This Healing Work Do?

In sessions we remove the unconscious resistance and restore harmony by clearing deep negative programming, trama, and emotions and other low vibrational energies

that are causing this resistance within you. When this happens, your body naturally falls back into alignment with your external and internal environment, such as grains, pollens or dust, that previously caused an allergic reaction will no longer affect you because you have reached a deep harmony on an energetic and cellular level. 

We want to be in Harmony with everything which means understanding on a deep level that we truly are one with everything....with all energies... this is how we become free.  

It came into manifestation from Kimberley Carlson channeled through her own source connection and she passed it on and taught a handful of practitioners and attuned them to doing the work.