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Boundaries 3 Day Workshop

Boundaries 3 Day Workshop

Regular price $200.00 USD
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Bonus Day: This is work that must be ran on you before class to ready your body for healing work. This will be done one on one between you and myself. We will also go over grounding skills for any emotional blockages that may be released due to session's. 

Week Of Workshop 

Day 1: We will go over what are boundary's, how to set them and go over workbook pages for you to do on your own after day 2 healing's 

Day 2 : Parasite Release , Parasites mirror our tendencies and pattern's, in behaving this way ourselves and allowing others into our lives who have a parasitic type of energy, meaning they take the life right out of us, drain us, take advantage of our kindness. 

This healing clean's up pattern's and belief's around not being worthy or allowed to have safe healthy boundary's with our mates,family's parents and other's. 

Anywhere you have to sacrifice yourself, love is conditional, any where you are responsible for your mother, father or other people's happiness and well being. 

People only love me, want me for what i can do for them

People only want me or love me when i can do something for them

You have to work hard to be loved So much more . Also bring in new belief work around boundary's and even Victim pattern work so there is so much coming in to support a new you! 

Day 3: Giving and Receiving in Balance 

This healing bring's in powerful download's to clear our limiting energies that create imbalance in the way we give and receive, assisting us to shift or move into equality within our relationships and connection's.

A few examples are I know what it feel's like to live and be in constant flow of balanced and equal, loving, and harmonious energy exchanges in all of my relationship's.

I know who is healthy and good to exchange my energy with 

I know who to give my time, my energy, my emotion's my love including money and resources too and how to do this from my own Sovereignty and personal power. 

I know what it feel's like to receive with out feeling indebted to giver many many more and lots of equality work. 

Giving up the will of self to do the will of Others 

This healing clears patterns and mental contracts and trauma from giving up our self for the wants, need's desires and expectation's of other's anywhere you have to allow others to control you, any where your a slave to others. 

A few examples of beliefs being cleared are 

Anywhere we have to give other's our personal power, allow them to manipulate us, repress or suppress us. Anywhere we have to fallow others without question even if its not in alignment with who we are or is harmful to us. 

Love is earned

Anywhere woman have to sacrifice themselves, their wants and needs for men, for their husband's , partners lovers. 

Anywhere women don't count, are not important, disposable, expendable are of little to no value. 

Bringing in download's to live happy, satisfied, purposeful life to be happy whole and complete Many more that will be gone over in class 

You will also get recording's to keep and use on self at later time's each time you  use you will take this healing deeper. 



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